May 15, 2008 - 3-Year-Old Girl Mauled by Pit Bulls
A 3-year-old girl was mauled by two pit bulls at a Fort Worth , Texas , mobile home park Wednesday night, sending the girl and her aunt to the hospital, authorities said. Witnesses said that the girl received bites to her arms, legs, torso, and face during the attack. The girl's aunt was babysitting and was injured when she tried to pull the pit bulls off her niece. The injured toddler was transported to Cook Children's Medical Center in critical but stable condition and her aunt was sent to Harris Methodist Fort Worth Hospital . The manager of the mobile home park said that he did not know the identity of the pit bulls' owners, but also said park residents have to sign an agreement before moving in that they do not own any pit bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, chows or other dangerous breeds of dog. “If we would have known, I would have given them a notice to get rid of the dogs or vacate the property," the manager said. The animal control unit has taken the pit bulls into custody while officials investigate the attack.
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