May 14, 2010 - Bad Dog, Owner on Lam from Bay Area Pound
Police announced the arrest of a man who allegedly broke a condemned pit bull out of a pound in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Richard Cochran, 57, of Alameda, faced burglary and conspiracy charges Friday and his long-time girlfriend, Melissa Perry, 38, was apparently on the lam with their dog, Max, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
Max was slated to be put down after biting his vet and another person. Staff members at the Alameda Animal Shelter reported Wednesday someone had broken into the facility and spirited the doomed dog away.
In an added twist, the Chronicle said it had been contacted Thursday night by Perry, who said she and Cochran had nothing to do with the break-in and she and Max were on the road somewhere near Kentucky.
"If anyone comes into contact with the dog and this woman, I really want to stress that they should take caution," said Alameda Police Sgt. Jill Ottaviano. "This is a very dangerous animal. It is very protective of this woman."
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