October 5, 2009 - Woman Critically Hurt in Dog Attack
A 70-year-old woman is reported in critical condition in Adams County, Colo., following a heart attack that occurred during a mauling by a pair of dogs.
The Denver Post reported Monday that Mary Garcia is being held at St. Anthony Central Hospital in the wake of last week's attack by two dogs, a mother and her offspring, that had escaped from their owner's home.
Garcia was walking to her car Friday night when the two mixed-breed pit bulls attacked her, leaving her with bites to her face, arms and legs.
Local resident Felix Mendez and his son, Cristian Juarez, witnessed the incident and ran to Garcia's aid armed with a shovel and a broom. A third neighbor, who was not identified, also helped in the rescue attempt.
"She just looked like a rag doll being flipped around by the dogs," Juarez said.
After using the shovel and broom on the aggressive animals, the dogs abandoned their attack on the elderly woman.
The dogs were later captured by animal control officers and their owner, identified as Chester Chacon, cleared the way for the dogs to be euthanized by giving up ownership of the canines.
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