Nursing Home Links
Alzheimer's Association - The Alzheimer's Association's official website. This site is your gateway to a wealth of information on Alzheimer's.
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) - AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people 50 and over. It provides information and resources; advocate on legislative, consumer, and legal issues; assist members to serve their communities; and offer a wide range of unique benefits, special products, and services for members.
The National Center on Elder Abuse - The NCEA is funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging, is a gateway to resources on elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Coalition to Protect America's Elders - The Coalition is a nonprofit national advocacy organization founded in 1997. The Coalition works closely with our nation's most prominent elder organizations and other advocacy groups to create public awareness of the conditions that exist in our nation's nursing homes and propose effective solutions for improving the quality of nursing home care.
Community Alternatives to Nursing Homes - ADAPT home page. Fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.
Elder Planning - Elder planning information including long term care, geriatric care management etc. Site is hosted by elder planning professionals in 14 states
The Elderly Place - This site is Alzheimer's specific with an emphasis on caregiving. The purpose of this site is to enlighten you on dementing diseases and to help you by adding informational links to similar topics. It is not meant to diagnose.
National Citizen's Coalition for Nursing Home Reform - National advocacy organization based in Washington D.C. Works closely with State Long-Term Care Ombudsman programs, and operates National Ombudsman Resource Center.
Nursing Home Advocacy Group Directory A directory of non-profit nursing home advocacy groups A unique, informative, interesting, and entertaining Internet website for seniors and their families.and caregivers.
Administration on Aging - Contains information on the Older American's Act, State Ombudsman Programs, Directory of Web Sites on aging
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - This website provides a valuable resource for information on Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), and other health-related programs.
Medicare - The official website for information on Medicare. "Nursing Home Compare" contains survey results for all nursing homes in all 50 States.
The American Academy of Family Physicians - The AAFP website supplies information on government policy, advocacy groups, insurance issues, and clinical recommendations. - The source is a gateway to state health insurance information, recommendations to ensuring optimum healthcare, and strategies for presenting information.
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
American Health Care Association
National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform - The National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (NCCNHR) seeks to facilitate access to the best information available for prospective nursing home residents and their families.
Assisted Living Fed. of America
National Health Care Administration
National Citizen's Coalition for Nursing Home Reform
Coalition to Protect America's Elders - This resource aims to create public awareness of the conditions that exist in our America's nursing homes and to propose effective solutions for improving the quality of nursing home care.
Dept. Of Health & Human Services - The United States Department of Health and Human Services provides information regarding diseases, conditions, family, aging, food, drugs, and more.
The National Decubitus Foundation - The National Decubitus Foundation website serves as a forum for concerned parties, a source of related news and information, and a resource for individuals and advocacy groups.
National Center for Assisted Living - The National Center for Assisted Living website is a source for data in the assisted living profession, serving to educate consumers, provide networking opportunities, and facilitate public affairs and professional development.
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging - The American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging website serves to provide care providers, businesses, and consumers with the latest information in order to advance the vision of healthy, affordable, and ethical aging services for America.
Elder Law Resource - provides links to federal Elder Law agencies and statutes as well as applicable national organizations and Elder Law state websites.
Nursing Home Alert - an informational website designed to help the elderly and their families prevent, recognize, and stop nursing home abuse by pointing out the signs of abuse and informing you of your rights
Care Giving On Line - is committed to helping others manage stress and make decisions regarding aging relatives. This resource offers support center, information, and support groups relating to this mission.
Aging With Dignity - Aging With Dignity, a non profit organization, seeks to fulfill its mission to help individuals and family plan and receive the care they deserve. This website supplies helpful resources and information on ways to get involved.
National Institute On Aging - Offering health and research information regarding issues surrounding today's seniors. Publications, related links, and clinical research information can all be accessed from this site.
Social Security Online - The official site of the U.S. Social Security Administration provides news, resources, and information regarding social security-related issues.
Elder Law Journal - This academic journal is a scholarly publication of interest to those in fields such as law, social work, gerontology, ethics, and medicine.
Health Finder - This website provides health information, news, and prevention and wellness resources
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