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April 2004 - Minnesota Court Orders Supplemental Discovery in Baycol Litigation

April 2004 - Minnesota Court Orders Supplemental Discovery in Baycol Litigation

A court order was issued in March 2004 for the purpose of promoting the fair and efficient administration of the Baycol litigation. The order instituted supplemental discovery procedures and deadlines that require plaintiffs to either submit case-specific experts by a certain date, or to serve other documentation highlighting evidence supporting the plaintiff's claims, followed by a case-specific report 120 days later. Any claims of plaintiffs that do not comply with the supplemental discovery obligations of the order may be dismissed with prejudice.

The Court determined that the order was necessary in order to better evaluate and categorize claims into those who have factual and legal support for their injuries and/or damages, and those who do not. The order is also thought to further develop an efficient settlement and mediation program, and to prepare cases for remand to the transferor court.

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