Air Bags
Air bags, when used properly with a seat belt, can save lives. Between 1987 and 2005, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), estimated that air bags saved a total of 19,659 lives. Air bags, however, have serious drawbacks. Although touted as a lifesaving device since they were first introduced in the 1970's, air bags have been...MORE >>
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Featured Articles on Airbags
- April 27, 2010 - Judges Want Jurors to Log Offline
- March 20, 2009 - Jurors' Use of the Internet Upsets the Scales of Justice
- April 16, 2008 - Website Makes Suing Easy
- February 15, 2006 – Ford cleared in Va. Suit over air bags
- October 12, 2005 – Justices reject bid to halt air bag suit
- June 29, 2004 – DaimlerChrysler air bag class action gets the go-ahead
- October 18, 2001 - Paralyzed Woman Loses $3.1 million Jury Award
- October 11, 2001 - Japan's Mitsubishi Motors sued for alleged air bag defect
- October 3, 2001 - Nissan Altima air bag injuries probed
- September 7, 2001 - What number of dead children does the federal government consider acceptable?
- August 30, 2001 - Air Bags killing fewer children; experts give credit to parents
- August 9, 2001 - Man allowed to sue over foot cut off by airbag
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