Ephedra is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system to relax bronchial tubes. Its synthetic form is used in bronchodilators and over-the-counter medications like FDA - regulated Sudafed and Actifed. The drug is also commonly used as a source of ephedrine alkaloids for dietary supplements. In the United States, Ephedra is known as ma huang and is used in products for asthma, common cold, weight loss, allergies, congestion, cough, increased energy, and weight lifting formulas...MORE >>
Links and Resources
- Ephedra Education Council
- Supplements Associated with Illness and Injury
- FDA Medical Bulletin - Ephedra
- Healthcare Reality Check - Ephedra
- Herbal Information Center
- Department of Health Report - Ephedra
Featured Articles on Ephedra
- July 4, 2004 - Court battles challenge dietary supplements
- June 25, 2004 - Jury awards $7.4 million in ephedra suit
- April 19, 2004 - Ephedra
- December 30, 2003 - FDA Announces Plans to Prohibit Sales of Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra Consumers Advised to Stop Using Ephedra Immediately
- November 5, 2003 - N.Y. Bans Ephedra
- December 20, 2001 - Relatives Face Tough Legal Battles After Players' Deaths
- November 8, 2001 - Legal Issue Murky without Tough Laws on Dietary Supplements
- September 9, 2001-Starbucks in teacup storm
- August 12, 2001-Taking the ultimate risk?
- February 8, 2001 - First Ephedrine case results in $13.3 Million Award
- February 1, 2001 - Calif. App. Ct. Reinstates Wrongful-Death Case Against Supplement Maker
- November 22, 2000 - Adverse Cardiovascular and Central Nervous System Events Associated with Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra Alkaloids
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